Deep Reflections Hardwood Floors Website Redesign Concept

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We recently did a revamp concept for Deep Reflections Hardwood Floors Co., a reputable hardwood flooring company based in Texas. Our eyes caught several areas that needed improvement, and we were particularly intrigued by the fact that the existing website was built using a Wordpress theme.

Hero Section

In their hero section, there was an excessive amount of text, which isn’t ideal because visitors tend to skim rather than read lengthy content. We found it unnecessary and overwhelming. To simplify, we removed the extra details and opted for a simple approach. In a single sentence, we conveyed what they do, highlighted their location, and included a clear call-to-action (CTA).



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Services Section

Their service section had too much text. To simplify, we focused on highlighting their three core services and removed all the extra information. The detailed content should be on the services pages. The landing page serves as a simple summary of the most crucial information, allowing visitors to quickly grasp the essentials.



About Us Section

We included a brief ‘About Us’ section. Considering that the company has been established since 1995, we felt it deserved a spot on the landing page. Using bullet points, we highlighted all the positive aspects of the company, aiming to make a favorable impact on anyone reading.

Testimonial Section

We liked that they included videos in their testimonial section. To make it accessible for everyone, we also added a brief summary of what the client said about the company. This way, even those who don’t have time to watch the video can still get valuable insights.



CTA + Footer

We added the last CTA before the footer. We chose to find an outline of Texas for the background image (because the company is based in Texas). Then, lastly, we created a footer where we added a contact form, a map, contact information, and important links.



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There's no doubt that the redesign concept of this website can convert and get them more sales.

Pro tip: The homepage is the most important page on your website. Often, it’s the initial encounter potential customers have with your company. Making sure that it is well organized and accurately reflects your brand is crucial.

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