Energlad Renewables Website Redesign Concept

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For Energlad Renewables, we just did a landing page redesign concept. They are an Ottawa-based solar company. Based on the layout, their Wix website is most likely a template. So, we decided to give it a little makeover by applying all the important things a website would need to attract and convert quality customers.

Hero Section

Their headline is a mouthful. A headline should be quick and simple to read and understand. So we did something different. As you can see, "Ottawa's solar panel care and maintenance services" sounds far more appealing than "Low cost and effective Solar photovoltaic operations & maintenance services ."

We kept their brand color: green. And we also added some social proof, just to make it a no-brainer to stay and keep scrolling through the website.



Solar company website design

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Services Section

There are no details in their service section. In order to help us come up with some text we could add that explained each service, we went on ChatGPT.

Your services and offer should be clear, you don't want people to question what they are or how they work. Everything should be explained on your website. That's how you make people stay on your site and not go elsewhere looking for the information you failed to provide them.



Solar company website design

About Us Section

Who usually has solar power? Homeowners. Who are homeowners? Typically a couple with children. That's the correlation that we came up with, and in order to help the viewer relate a little, we chose to locate an image that looked like that.

They claimed to be "effective" and "low cost" in their headline. We changed "low cost" to "affordable" since, more often than not, consumers associate cheap cost with inferior quality.

The way you write the copy on your website matters a lot. Everything should be well thought out so you can communicate exactly what your brand is effectively.



Solar company website design

Testimonial Section

There was no area featuring testimonials. And since we all know that's crucial, we just created a testimonial section design and included some loren ipsum as filler content.

There is a CTA immediately before the testimonial area. On your landing page, we recommend including three calls to action (CTAs) that should all request the same action: at the top, middle, and bottom.

Process Breakdown

One of our clients' websites received an amazing response from their visitors when we added a "Process" section to it. Therefore, we believe it's a great idea to include a section where you outline the process of what you plan to accomplish for your clients on a monthly or annual basis.

For filler, we have inserted some loerm ipsum here, but you get the idea.

Request a free website and marketing review!

We'll send you a 15- to 30-minute video going through your website and give you some action steps on what you can do to improve, get more traffic, and convert that traffic into paying customers.


Pro tip: Make sure your website has all the relevant information a visitor might possibly need to know. Keep them from going elsewhere to obtain the information. Because you've probably lost a sale the moment they leave your website without getting in touch with you.

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